Child Custody

Child Custody

Child custody emerges as a consuming issue after each divorce in Pakistan, which makes the two parents think about child custody laws of Pakistan. Each parent looks for each sort of legal arrangement to acquire custody of their child despite the fact that being a solitary parent is intense. Child assistance is the key figure taken thought by the court while giving custodial rights to any parent. Consequently, perspectives, for example, monetary steadiness of parent, detailed wrongdoing, character, and limit of parent are given significance. The courts award actual rights to one parent, anyway expanded number of cases have seen shared legal obligation and guardianship of any child(ren). Consequently, custodial laws in Pakistan can likewise be named physical and legal. As per the legal framework set up in Pakistan, the legal directly over minors suggests that the parent is exclusively answerable for the government assistance of the adolescent being referred to.

While managing such issues, the court thinks about the inclination of the minor being referred to, on the off chance that he/she is mature enough to shape a savvy inclination. Customarily in Pakistan, moms were given responsibility for, however the pattern has been giving indications of progress. An ever-increasing number of ladies are deciding on vocation driven lives, which may not empower them to raise their children as a solitary parent. Even a finance help is demanded from father through court to rise child. Remarriage, child custody in Pakistan, custody of minor child to father and custody of minor child to mother are burning issues right after the divorce.

Child custody age under custodian Law’s in PAKISTAN

  • Through right of hizanat under Pakistan custodian laws minor child custody is given to mother.
  • For boys after 7 years right of custody of mother ends and for girl this period is extended till the age of puberty.
  • If mother is mentally or any other way has objectionable behavior then she is not provided with right to custody.
  • After both parents right of custody is given to grandparents of the child.
  • After child reaches age term under mother custody, custody right transferred to the father under the basic rules of custodian laws in Pakistan.
  • Even though according to law custodian right of son after age of seven transferred to father but it is not true in case when parents have no mutual concession. In this case a court case is filled and then court decision is considered as final.

CHHEENA LAW FIRM with years of experience in child custody cases has potential to help you with your cases. Chheena Law Firm guide you according to your child custody and child adoption scenario and can fill a law suit on your behalf. Through right choices with forever standing true nature of the case Chheena Law Firm has never lost a case under the Child custody cases. You can feel free to contact us under the cell number and seek guide for your matters related to Child Custody or any other legal issues.